Happy PNG Independence Day!
We’re really glad to be back in Telefomin to celebrate the 47th Anniversary of PNG’s independence!
We are finally Home!
It’s so nice to be back in our home in Telefomin, we were greeted with smiles and flowers when we landed, and found more decorations around our front door. It’s been a busy few days unpacking and doing some maintenance, but we are home now!
September Cole Communiqué
Read our latest quarterly Newsletter here…
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Sharing about our work in PNG
Our time in the UK and Canada has been very busy but a real blessing. If you were unable to hear us share about our work, here is a video of one of our presentations.
We’re back in PNG!
It was an emotional journey, but we made it on 4 flights and we’re in Mt Hagen, where MAF’s HQ is. Thank you so much to everyone who spotted our urgent call for prayer, God answered, we made it all the way with all 7 of our suitcases!!!
Farewell Canada…
This evening we start our long journey back home to PNG. We take off out of Calgary just before 8pm and are due to arrive in Mt Hagen late Monday night Alberta time, which will be Tuesday lunchtime, PNG time, after 4 flights! We can’t wait to get home!
Click to read our prayer requests!
Shiv Donated Her Hair!
In aid of the Little Princess Trust. Watch the video of it being all cut off! With thanks to Beyond the Fringe, Gosport.
Our June Newsletter
Our June 2022 Newsletter has just been sent out…
We are CAD1,300 / GBP800 short of our funding target to be able to return to PNG and serve for another 4 years!
We’re back in Canada!
It’s so great to be back home in Canada. Our time in the UK was too short, always, but we are glad to have this time in Canada now. We are looking forward to seeing many of you in the coming months!
England’s Green and Pleasant Land
We are back in the UK, staying with Shiv’s parents whilst we visit people.
Newsletter - March 2022
Our March Newsletter should be in your inbox.
Sorry it’s been a while since we’ve been in touch…
Washing the Balus
There are 2 aircraft based at Telefomin, and with the majority of the Bush airstrips that we serve being grass, the planes often get muddy, which keeps the base staff busy washing them.
Welcoming friends home
When we visited Goroka last week we were fortunate to be there when 2 MAF families returned to PNG.
They were flown home by a Mt Hagen based plane, we had one of the Telefomin planes and Goroka has 2 planes of their own, so we had 4 MAF Caravans in Goroka at the same time (for about 30 mins), a very rare sight.
We love living in PNG…
This is a beautiful country with friendly people, majestic mountains and a rich variety of cultures. We consider ourselves privileged to serve the remote people of this country. But sadly, every country has its problems and today Shiv came face-to-face with one…
Sadly, PNG, like every other country in the world, has problems. Today, whilst in Mt Hagen doing our 3-month grocery shopping, a young man, armed with a small Bush-knife, tried to steal my handbag. This is not the first time this has happened in my almost 8 years of living in PNG, so I knew what to do. It was in a crowded street, so I shouted to attract attention and shame the young man. Not the correct response in every circumstance or in every country, but in a crowded PNG street, it was the right thing to do. Ryan was in the car, right behind the man, and almost immediately a security guard from the shop I had just come out of came to my aid, along with several men nearby. The young man realised I was not a good target and walked quickly away before he could take my handbag.
I was a little shaken up from up the experience but extremely grateful that I was unharmed and for the several good PNG people who were willing to help me, a stranger. Please pray for our daily safety as we live & serve in PNG.
“I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’ ... He will cover [me] with his feathers, and under his wings [I] will find refuge; his faithfulness will be [my] shield and rampart.”
Psalms 91 vs 2 & 4
Tari Base Visit
On a recent visit to Tari base, Henry, our night guard who had a serious motorbike accident back in August, popped in to say hello!
Mushroom Mushroom!
I found this massive Mushroom at Mt Hagen market just after our holiday. I bought it just to try it as you don’t often find fresh mushrooms at markets in PNG and I haven’t seen this large variety before.
Farewell Alex
The Hagen Base recently said farewell to Mr Alex Lewa who, after many years serving as the Base Manager, has been asked to step into the new role of Community Liaison.
COVID Protocols Reminder – PNG style!
Just in case you couldn’t remember the basic principles behind COVID prevention, just follow the instructions painted outside a compound along the highway heading into Mt Hagen. :-D
Kiunga Base Visit
Recently I (Shiv) popped down to visit our 2 members of staff at Kinga Base to check on them. I was pleased that the team there have made a few improvements to their base recently. Way to go team!
Ryan flew the American Ambassador
After we got back from our holiday in East New Britain Province, Ryan’s first flight on his first day back was to fly the American Ambassador!
Click on the picture, left, to watch a video of our friend, Nurse Rhema, one of the local health care workers who MAF supports and we fly out of Telefomin.