The Cole Special Communiqué
This Newsletter was sent out on Friday 10th July - sorry I didn’t link it through our Blog immediately, I’m still learning all the tricks to our new website.
We have our plane tickets!
This morning we got our plane tickets through, so on Sunday 12th July, almost 8 weeks later than we had originally planned, we will be leaving Canada and starting the long journey back to our home in Telefomin, Papua New Guinea.
We will be traveling for approximately 60 hours and flying for just over 33 of those hours, a lot longer than usual! But we are so relieved to finally have our tickets in our hands!
There are so many new procedures and regulations as a result of COVID-19 so we would REALLY appreciate LOTS of prayer over the next 2 weeks. Thanks so much!!!
Click on the picture, left, to watch a video of our friend, Nurse Rhema, one of the local health care workers who MAF supports and we fly out of Telefomin.